Sunday, January 31, 2010

Timelines - Chronological Order

Congrats to The Russians for making the best Timeline and to those who turned their Timelines on time and were posted here!

The best works were selected (6 out 20 groups) mainly based on the accuracy of the information as it appeared on the readings assigned.

When making Timelines it is important to keep some considerations in mind. You need to:

  • be as concise and precise as possible
  • present your info in a clear manner
  • choose your timeline design carefully depending on the amount of info that you need to put down (look at the two examples below).

  Click on images to enlarge.

British: Internet history pp 18-20

Norwegians: The history of calculators pp 11-13

Chinese: The history of calculators pp 11-13

Russians: Biography of Jonathan Ive - Apple Computers pp 8-9

Germans: Biography - Ernest Rutherford pp 4-7

Swiss: Biography - Albert Einstein pp 1-3

Spanish: Biography - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reading Strategies

Congrats to The Spanish for preparing the best Graphic Organizer and thanks to all the teams that sent their slides on time and were posted here!

Review all these strategies and try to use the ones you are not using at the moment. You will see how you develop a better understanding of what you read!

Click on the slide you want to review to enlarge it.